all real funny
play all of them to hear alot of craps with the "omg ill be right bac... lol" line in it. its real funny. lol. try it out. 10/10 5/5
all real funny
play all of them to hear alot of craps with the "omg ill be right bac... lol" line in it. its real funny. lol. try it out. 10/10 5/5
burgers make the most
burgers makes the guy poop the longest. always use burgers. the worst is kababs and middle is apple. 10/10 5/5
not bad but i little hard
level 6 was as far as i can go but maybe make a better tutorial. 9/10 5/5
Nice game
<spoiler>Gocutgo ,1-39,12-1,2-2,4-1,2-7,17-1,1-5,16-1,
1,1-1,2-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-8,2-1,1-1 ,4-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-8,2-1,1-1,2-1,
1-4,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-8,4-1,1-1,2-1,1-4,2 -1,1-1,11-1,1-1,12-1,2-4,8-1,1-1,2-1,
2-1,1-1,2-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1 -6,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-
1,1-6,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-4,7-1,1-1,2-1,1-1 ,11-1,2-3,4-1,2-2,10-1,1-1,2-1,1-6,2-
2-2,10-1,1-39, #</spoiler>
This game is really good and some levels are hard to beat when new at it but i hope you make a Contour 2 cause this is one great game to play. 10/10 5/5
holy shit!
that was good but the differents scare shit me so much you get 1- point off your ten. 9/10 5/5
hmmmm.I'm sry.but thank you for your review ;-)
Riddle School and Riddle School 2 was great but this is better! for people who dont know the combination turn your head upside-down and look at the paper. that should help. hope you make a Riddle School 4. i got 0:43:30 and no i didnt play it again. i dont wanna know anyway. 10/10 5/5
i can use the left click on my cursor and press forward to beat this. you get 5/10 2/5 because of it. so easy with it. not hard at all.
level 15 sucks
your giving me a anger problem with level 15. dont make a Noob3 cause i think nobodys gonna play it anyway. sorry but unless you make level 15 easier you get 0/10 0/5.
its last level its meant to be hard you noob.
Great Game
The Switcheroo:
2Z12Z12Z12Z12Z19Z12Z12Z12Z180Z5Z120Z2 2ZAAAAAC0020Z22ZAAAAAC0020Z22ZAAAAAC0 020Z22Z23Z23Z23Z23ZAAAC20Z13Z13Z12Z12 Z12Z03ZAAB020Z22Z2Z12Z120Z12Z03ZAAB02 0Z22Z52Z5Z120Z10Z03ZAAB020Z22Z53ZA003 ZAAAC50Z22ZA020Z13Z53Z13Z22ZAB13Z6Z16 Z1C0020Z13Z03Z13Z22ZA052Z13Z52Z6Z1C00 73Z03Z03Z13Z23Z23Z23Z23Z13Z
Going through the music:
515215052103Z735211351183Z03Z5152110Y 112Z120Z03Z10Z52521135Z35Z35Z35110152 110Y1122Z20Z03Z10ZAB5252101521A0Z1122 Z20Z03Z10Z00ZAAACZ1122Z20Z03Z10Z00Z03 Z03Z00Z50ZA0Z1122Z20Z03Z10Z10Z10Z10Z0 0Z00ZC0060Y1122Z20Z92Z635210252103Z03 Z0351103511C0050Z101122211220Z03Z6352 16352163521635216352101521A0Z1122Z20Z 03Z03ZB3Z03Z635215352150521C00Z1122Z2 0Z03Z03ZB3Z03Z635216352102ZC00Z1122Z2 0Z03Z03ZB3Z03Z03Z6352102ZC00Z1122Z20Z 73Z03Z03Z03Z03Z53521635210252103Y1123 Z20Z
In the maze:
00Z00Z5Z100Z00Z50Z63121631219Z163Z63Z 63Z52Z7012100Z00Z00Z01121631215112163 Z63Z63Z63Z00Z00Z00Z1312Z1210112163121 631216312163Z63Z63Z00Z00Z52Z511210012 153Z50Z00Z00Z63Z63Z63Z00Z00Z23Z00Z00Z 1312110Z00Z00Z63Z63Z63Z00Z20Z13Z03121 00Z1312110Z00Z00Z63Z63Z63Z00Z00Z2Z100 Z00Z1312110Z00Z53Z80Z50Z20Z53Z00Z00Z5 0121031211312110Z00Z10Z10Z00Z00Z13121 10Z10Z13121131211312110Z00Z10Z10Z00Z0 0Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z00Z10Z10Z70Z00 Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z00Z10Z10Z00Z00Z 10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z5212103Z00Z53Z00 Z
and New999
10Z10Z10Z10Z00Z00Z10Z10Z10Z00Z00Z82Z0 0Z10Z00Z00Z00Z00Z10Z00Z10Z00Z00Z00Z00 Z00Z10Z00Z00Z00Z10Z10Z10Z10Z00Z00Z10Z 10Z10Z10Z00Z00Z10Z10Z10Z00Z00Z00Z10Z1 0Z10Z10Z10Z00Z10Z00Z10Z00Z00Z00Z10Z00 Z10Z00Z10Z00Z10Z10Z10Z10Z00Z00Z92Z50Z 00Z00Z00Z00Z10Z10Z10Z00Z00Z00Z10Z10Z1 0Z00Z00Z00Z10Z00Z10Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z10 Z00Z00Z00Z10Z10Z10Z10Z00Z00Z00Z10Z10Z 00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z10Z0 0Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z10Z10Z10Z53 Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z50Z
Great game. hope to see SHIFT 3. try these out. beginners luck but its a start. clicking that face really started to tick me off. but i finaly got the award. heres a trick to get the trouthy right before the snakes come go to the side of the black and wait till something happens. you should be able to get it after. dont know havent tried but see if it happens.
Never Spammed Never Will
Age 29, Male
Making Videos
Joined on 6/27/07